Saturday, November 20, 2010

So many of you have gotten used to reading my blog about my latest worldly travels.  However, it's been a while since I got home from Hawaii and I still don't have any new travel plans.  As much as I love travelling around the world, it's also just as nice to be home.  So I think today I'll write a little about fall.  Trees turn colors, gardens get put to bed, 'cross racing, UW football games, painting my kitchen, and catching up with friends.   It's a great time of year to not be traveling.  What that also means, is that it's almost Thanksgiving, a holiday I really enjoy.  It's more than the good food, which is always great.  I like sitting back and thinking about all the things to be thankful for.  I've had a pretty awesome year thanks to so many people.

I'll try to do a better job of posting in the coming months, so keep tuning in... you never know when or where I might be sent a another part of the world.

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