Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Land of the Euskaltels

The last two days have been crazy. Here's a quick recap. Arrive at Madison's wonderful airport at 9 am Monday. Thanks to Chicago's wonderful weather my flight is delayed until 1, which means I'll miss my connection. So I get on the phone with the very helpful people at United's frequent flyer program and after trying to figure out how to get to Alicante, they rerouted my entire trip. It turned out okay. My layovers were a little longer (which means a little less stress, especially when connecting through Madrid) and arriving 8 hours later. And after 36 hours, I made it to the hotel just in time for dinner. That may not seem bad, but pro teams eat around 9 PM. So after some good appetizers, and okay pork dinner (I wasn't about to have fish after my last experience), and a couple glasses of good, Spanish red wine, I was off to bed by midnight.

Fast forward 8 hours (yes, I slept 8 hours). I've traveled to Europe so many times over the past year I don't really get much jet lag, but it was nice to sleep laying down, for the first time since Sunday. Breakfast was good. Bacon, eggs, croissants, and of course coffee. The coffee here is amazing.

By now you're probably wondering, is he ever going to go to work? Ah, right. After checking in with the mechanics and making sure everything is AOK, it's time to change into my riding gear and go for a spin... With the team. Right, we'll see how long that lasts.

I guess I forgot to mention that I'm at the Euskaltel-Eskadi training camp in Alicante, Spain. I'll write more later.
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