Saturday, July 9, 2011

Because half the time I travel, I don't always know where I am. Literally and figuratively.

Let's look at yesterday as an example. Work is super busy right now, as we're getting ready to launch an entire new line of products. Our sales team is in town to learn about the products too. And I have other work responsibilities to take care of too. All that, means running around like chicken without a head. And oh wait. It's time to fly to Europe for a week of distributor training.

Transatlantic flights aren't too bad when you've done it a gazillion times. I do my best to sleep, but this time was a little harder. It's not easy to sleep when you're not tired and it's still sunny outside the plane. But I managed. Anyway, after leaving the airport, we immediately headed to our distributor to give the presentation on very little sleep. Had some Mediterranean dinner and called it a night at 10.

Now it's Saturday, so after breakfast we were able to get a nice 65 km bike ride in through the English countryside. We stopped about halfway for tea and a muffin along an old canal. Pretty cool. And since it's still Saturday, we're taking the train to London, where we'll spend the night.
Sent from my BlackBerry

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