Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 4, part 2

So after getting my stuff done at the team hotel, I set off to my hotel, which was 70km from the team. It's the Tour and there's a ton of people and not a lot of places to stay, so 70km really isn't that bad. I booked the hotel online, so I had no idea of what I was getting into, but needed a place to sleep. It turns out, the city of Orleans is amazing! The hotel is in the Centre Ville, and very ancient. There are massive cathedrals everywhere, with cobblestone streets that are open to bicycles/pedestrians only, and actually pretty modern. The outside of the hotel is everything you'd expect from a hotel in the downtown area of a French city. Rather than walk around for hours trying to find a good place to eat, I asked the reception desk. He pointed to a restaurant a few blocks away that guests get a deal at. For 20 Euro I got a salad, entree, dessert, and glass of wine. Not a bad deal and the food was absolutely fantastic! Unfortunately I couldn't take any pictures last night because it was dark and this morning it was raining. I guess I'll just have to go back. Well I got one, of the street my hotel was on, at the beginning of the post.

1 comment:

  1. Bonsoir! Wow! Not a lot of people can say they are part of the support network of a 3rd place contender in the GC, a TDF stage winner/green jersey classification leader, and members of breakaways! This must all seem like a dream...or is it the lack of sleep? Well, enjoy all the cafe au lait and have safe travels back home! Thanks for the blog, I really enjoy it.

    Kim Campbell
