Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 5

Okay, if my days are correct, it's Saturday. What was Saturday like, I ask myself. Today was the first day with mountains, leaving the flat country and heading to nearly Switzerland. I'm not sure if I've explained the morning routine yet. After a quick breakfast in Orleans, I was on my way to the start to meet the team at the bus. As I get used to how things work at the Tour, I've learned that the earlier you arrive at the start, the less you have to walk. Well, kind of. I ended up walking about 2km to the team parking area. And man, was it hot. Close to 90F by 10AM. Not wanting to repeat yesterday's adventure of forgetting where the car was parked, I plugged it's location into my handy GPS. That way, I could also find the fastest way back after the start. So after an hour of walking, the bus arrived, and this is where I do my thing. The mechanics get the bikes out and line them up for everyone to look at. The riders are inside, like I mentioned previously, having their meeting and drinking espresso. I make sure all the computers and PowerTaps are properly functioning, and then stand there in the sun for another hour before they leave for sign-in. I'll chat with mechanics, directors, and sometimes the riders will come out to chat. Then, just like that, they're gone. By this time, I've figured out that Lance is one of the last to sign in and I head to the direction of his bus. And I finally got a photo. Okay, he's not racing, but it's his last Tour. Now that I got my Lance photo, I head to the car so I can get to the team hotel and hopefully see the end of the race on TV. The route to get to Les Sousses was awesome. Small country roads, mixed with a bigger city every once in a while. Then up a mountain and back down. Fun roads to drive. I get the hotel, ask if they have a room, and of course they don't. Why would they? It's a summit finish and there's people everywhere. I was able to see the last 30km of the race on a giant big screen set up in the middle of the town. It's kind of like those summer fairs we have in the US. After the race I head to the hotel and hang out there, while I ponder what I'm going to do for sleeping arrangements. A massive thunderstorm rolls in and it cools a bit, thankfully. Now that it's cooler, I've pretty much accepted that I'm going to sleep in the car. Oh well. that's what happens when you decide to go to the Tour three days before it starts. But, in the middle of thunder, lightening, hail, and wind, I'm handed a voucher for a room in a local hotel. Thanks to the soigneurs for looking out for me. The race bike arrive, I check them out and make a couple of adjustments, then get my luggage from the car and try to drive to the hotel. Problem is, the roads are still closed from the race. Awesome. I have to walk, with my suitcase, to the hotel. Double awesome. It's raining like a monsoon and I walk for 30 minutes and can't find the hotel. I'm completely soaked by this point. I get back in the car and try to figure out a way there with a map. In doing this, my handy GPS also figured out a different way to get there. Okay, things are getting better. it's a small hotel, but it's warm and dinner is included with the room. Fantastic!. No internet, but that's okay. I was tired.

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